Authors are invited to submit a full paper in order to ensure that the suggested topic is appropriate for the conference.
Paper submission can be done via,
— Email:
Please read the following instructions carefully before proceeding to submit the article in this conference.
click here
for MS Word Template
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for LaTex Template
I. Guidelines for Paper Preparation
The following criteria should be considered to prepare a manuscript
Contributions that do not conform to the guidelines will not be preceded to the next stage. Papers received after the given deadline, due to any reason will not be accepted unless the deadline is extended.
II. Post-Submission Scenarios:
By submitting the article, within the stipulated deadline you should have received an email with acceptance letter to proceed towards registration or with anyone of the revision/rejection decision mentioned below within a time period of 3-4 weeks.
Case 1: If your paper has been suggested for a revision. Author should revise the paper according to the specified reviewer comments and the updated paper should be sent back to the conference before the specified final submission deadline.
Case 2: If the paper has plagiarism or if the submitted research work is out of the conference theme, it will be reject without suggesting any further revision
Case 3: The paper can also be rejected due to poor English Standard.
III. Academic Ethics and Submission Policies:
Researchers should conduct their research - from research proposal to publication - in line with best practices and codes of conduct. If any ethical issues or misconduct could be encountered in your journal the conference when research is submitted for publication in such case, the paper will be rejected. The paper prior to submission should be checked for plagiarism. The similarity content should not exceed 15%.
The other important points are as follows:
Note: Papers that are plagiraized will be rejected without any review.